Program JKM



Diploma in Mechanical Engineering for polytechnic is developed to give balance emphasis on theoretical and practical aspects. The programme will take six semesters to complete, relatively three academic semesters at their respective polytechnics and one semester of industrial training at relevant industries during the fourth semester. Students are required to return to their respective institutions for the completion of the programme in the fifth and sixth semester.


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnics Ministry of Education Malaysia is designed to cover the current wide discipline of mechanical engineering with added specialization subjects in the field of mechanical engineering. Core courses offered include Engineering Mechanics, Electrical Technology, Engineering Drawing, Mechanical Workshop Practice, Workshop Technology, Computer Aided Design, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Pneumatic & Hydraulics, Project, Maintenance Engineering & Management, Material Science, Mechanic of Machines, Engineering Design and Mechanical Components & Maintenance. The elective courses are Computer Aided Design 2, Control System, Instrumentation & Control, Engineering Plant Technology, Quality Control, C programming, Programmable Logic Control, Industrial Management, Diagnose & Troubleshooting for Mechanical Component, Tamadun Islam, Integrasi Malaysia and Computer Application. Common core courses included in the programme are Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Science, Occupational Safety & Health and Entrepreneurship. Compulsory courses offered include Communicative English, Pengajian Malaysia, Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia, Sains Teknologi Dan Kejuruteraan Dalam Islam and Ko-Kurikulum would provide students with interpersonal ability, attitude and professionalism towards their career.


This programme provides the knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering field that can be applied to a broad range of careers in mechanical engineering. The knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme will enable them to participate in the job market as:

 Technical Assistant

 Assistant Service Manager

 Service Advisor


 Assistant Engineer

 Junior Engineer

 Technical Instructor or Lecturer

 Technical Sales Executive



To be Malaysias number one provider of an innovative human capital through transformational education and training for the global workforce by 2015


Breaking boundaries for the creation of transformative and creative learning environment for an innovation led economy.


The Diploma in Mechanical Engineering graduates in Polytechnics, Ministry of Education Malaysia will have the knowledge, technical skills, soft skills and attitude to adapt themselves with new technological advancement and challenges in the mechanical engineering field.


The Diploma in Mechanical Engineering programme shall produce semi-professionals who are:

  1. Competent in knowledge and skills in the field of mechanical engineering according to industry requirements.
  2. Effective in communication and contribute effectively as a team member with the capability of being a leader.
  3. Ethically and socially responsible towards developing the community and the nation.
  4. Able to demonstrate entrepreneurship skills and recognize the need of lifelong learning for a successful career advancement and able to adapt themselves with new technological challenges in mechanical fields


Upon completion of the programme, graduates should be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and social sciences to well-defined mechanical engineering procedures and practices.
  2. Analyse well-defined mechanical engineering problems with respect to operation and maintenance, including troubleshooting
  3. Conduct investigations and assist in the design of solutions for mechanical engineering systems
  4. Apply appropriate techniques, resources, and engineering tools to well-defined mechanical engineering activities, with an awareness of the limitations
  5. Demonstrate an awareness and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and their consequent responsibilities
  6. Communicate effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
  7. Function effectively as an individual and as a member in diverse technical teams
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practices
  9. Demonstrate an awareness of management, business practices and entrepreneurship
  10. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of engineering practices, taking into account the needs for sustainable development
  11. Recognise the needs for professional development and to engage in independent and lifelong learning



Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) for polytechnic is developed to give balanced emphasis on theoretical and practical aspects. The programme will take six semesters to complete, three academic semesters at their respective polytechnics and one semester of industrial training at relevant industries during the fourth semester. Students are required to return to their respective institutions for

the completion of the programme in the fifth and sixth semester.


Diploma In Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) at Polytechnics Ministry of Education Malaysia is designed to cover the current wide discipline of mechanical engineering with added specialization subjects in the field of automotive engineering. Core courses offered include Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Technology, Computer Aided Design, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Material Science, Mechanical Workshop Practice 1, Electrical Technology and Strength Of Material. The specialized courses include Automotive Technology, Automotive Workshop Practice, Automotive Electrical and Electronic, Internal Combustion Engine, Vehicle Dynamic, Workshop Service Management and Project. Common core courses included in the programme are Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Science, Occupational Health & Safety and Entrepreneurship. Compulsory courses offered include Sains, Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Dalam Islam, Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, Pengajian Malaysia, Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia, Communicative English and Co-Curriculum would provide students with interpersonal skill and professionalism towards their career.


This programme provides the knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering and automotive engineering field that can be applied to a broad range of careers in mechanical and automotive industries.

The knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme will enable them to participate in the job market as:

Factory Supervisor

Team Leader Service Advisor

Service Manager

Service Assistant Manager

Workshop supervisor

Sales Executive

Service Advisor

After Sales Service Officer


The Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) graduates in Polytechnics, Ministry of Education will have the knowledge, technical skills and attitude to adapt themselves with new technological advancement and challenges in the automotive engineering field.


The Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) programme shall produce semi-professionals who are:

  1. Competent in knowledge and skills in the field of mechanical and automotive engineering according to industry requirements.
  2. Effective in communication and contribute effectively as a team member with the capability of being a leader.
  3. Ethically and socially responsible towards developing the community and the nation.
  4. Able to demonstrate entrepreneurship skills and recognize the need of lifelong learning for a successful career advancement and able to adapt themselves with new technological challenges in mechanical and automotive fields.


Upon completion of the programme, graduates should be able to:

  1. apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to well-defined mechanical engineering procedures and practices with specialisation in automotive.
  2. analyse well-defined mechanical engineering specializing in automotive problems with respect to operation and maintenance, including troubleshooting.
  3. conduct investigations and assist in the design of solutions for mechanical specializing in automotive engineering systems.
  4. apply appropriate techniques, resources, and engineering tools to well defined mechanical specializing in automotive engineering activities, with an awareness of the limitations.
  5. demonstrate an awareness and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and their consequent responsibilities.
  6. communicate effectively with the engineering community and society at large.
  7. function effectively as an individual and as a member in diverse technical teams.
  8. demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering practices.
  9. demonstrate an awareness of management, business practices and entrepreneurship.
  10. demonstrate an understanding of the impact of engineering practices, taking into account the needs for sustainable development.
  11. recognise the needs for professional development and to engage in independent and lifelong learning


Sistem Gred

Sistem penilaian Politeknik Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi adalah kaedah penilaian kuantitatif prestasi pelajar di dalam sesuatu program yang dikenali sebagai Sistem Nilaian Mata (SNM). Mengikut SNM, prestasi pelajar bagi sesuatu kursus adalah berdasarkan kepada Sistem Gred yang mana pencapaian pelajar dinilai menggunakan dua ukuran iaitu :

  • Purata Nilaian Mata (PNM) atau Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Himpunan Purata Nilaian Mata (HPNM) atau Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Markah yang diperolehi oleh pelajar di dalam sesuatu kursus akan diberi nilai mata dan gred mengikut kumpulan seperti di dalam jadual.


Nilai Mata



90  100


A +

Sangat Cemerlang

80  89




75  79


A -


70  74


B +


65  69




60  64


B -


55  59


C +


50  54




47  49


C -


44  46


D +


40  43




30  39




20  29




0 - 19





Pembelajaran Berasaskan Hasil (Outcome-Based Education - OBE)

Pembelajaran berasaskan hasil adalah penyataan yang menjelaskan apa yang pelajar harus tahu, faham dan boleh lakukan setelah selesai suatu tempoh pengajian. Pembelajaran berasaskan hasil merupakan rujukan bagi standard dan kualiti serta pembangunan kurikulum dari segi pembelajaran dan pengajaran, penetapan kredit dan penilaian pelajar. Kebaikan pembelajaran berasaskan hasil adalah penekanannya kepada pelajar dan pembelajaran (berpusatkan pelajar) serta pencapaiannya bukan semata-mata cara mencapainya. Justeru itu, kaedah pencapaian hasil pembelajaran tidak terhad kepada pendidikan formal sahaja dan terbuka kepada penaksiran Pengakreditan Pengalaman Pembelajaran Terkumpul ( Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning, APEL) yang diperoleh melalui pembelajaran formal dan tidak formal. Ia juga menyediakan para pelajar dengan pengalaman pembelajaran yang sesuai serta mempunyai tujuan dan peluang kepada para pelajar untuk mengasahkan bakat, mempunyai keyakinan diri, berdikari, berilmu, berkemahiran, menjadi bangsa yang kaya moraliti dan modal insan minda kelas pertama bertaraf dunia.


Kredit ialah ukuran kuantitatif yang melambangkan volum pembelajaran atau beban pembelajaran untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran tertentu. Beban pembelajaran ialah ukuran kuantitatif semua aktiviti pembelajaran yang diperlukan untuk mencapai satu set hasil pembelajaran. Aktiviti ini termasuklah kuliah, tutorial, seminar, praktikal, pembelajaran kendiri, pencarian maklumat, kajian, kerja lapangan serta persediaan dan menduduki peperiksaan. Di Malaysia, 40 jam pembelajaran nosional dinilai sebagai satu (1) kredit.

Sistem kredit dan beban pembelajaran ini telah juga diguna pakai dalam kerangka kelayakan England, Wales dan Northern Ireland serta Australia, New Zealand dan Eropah. Makna dan kefahaman yang sama membantu dalam perbandingan pelbagai kerangka kelayakan kebangsaan, memudahkan mobiliti pelajar, menyokong pembangunan kurikulum dan memudahkan pengiktirafan di peringkat antarabangsa.

Jangkaan Domain Pembelajaran Dan Kemahiran Generik Pelajar

Domain Pembelajaran (LD)

Kemahiran Generik Pelajar (GSA)

LD 1 Pengetahuan


LD 2 KemahiranTeknikal


LD 3 Etika dan Profesionalisme

GSA 4 Moral dan Etika Profeisional

LD 4 Kemahiran Sosial dan Tanggungjawab


LD 5 Kemahiran Berkomunikasi

GSA 1 Kemahiran Komunikasi

LD 6 Berfikir Secara Kritikal

GSA 2 Berfikir Secara Kritikal dan Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah

LD 7 Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat

GSA 6 Kemahiran Menguruskan Maklumat dan Pembelajaran Berterusan

LD 8 Kemahiran Keusahawanan

GSA 7 Kemahiran Keusahawanan

LD 9 Kerja Berpasukan / Kemahiran Memimpin

GSA 3 Kemahiran Kerja Berpasukan

GSA 5 Kemahiran Memimpian



>> Student Guide book JKM EDISI 1 2019

>> Student Guide book JKM EDISI 2 2019

>> Student Guide book_JKM EDISI 3 2018